Laundry room

Dryer Vent Cleaning

Dryer Vent Cleaning

Does it seem to take longer or do you need to run mul­ti­ple cycles for your dry­er to com­plete­ly dry your laun­dry? Are your ener­gy bills high­er than nor­mal? It could mean you need your Dry­er Vent Cleaned.

Many home­own­ers neglect to have they’re dry­er vent cleaned reg­u­lar­ly, and this can be haz­ardous to res­i­dents. From 2010 – 2014 the NFPA report­ed over 15,000 9−1−1 calls due to fires start­ed from the wash­er and dry­er, 92% of these cas­es orig­i­nat­ed in the dryer.

Over­time Dry­er Vents build up an extreme­ly flam­ma­ble lint. When this lint catch­es fire it burns extreme­ly hot and is like­ly to spread to through­out the vent and to com­bustibles sur­round­ing it, like wood fram­ing and dry wall. The NFPA rec­om­mends hav­ing your dry­er vent cleaned and inspect­ed annu­al­ly to reduce this hazard.

Fac­tors in lint accu­mu­la­tion in the dry­er vent

  • Lack of reg­u­lar cleaning
  • How often the Dry­er is used
  • Pet and Human hair
  • The Length of the vent
  • The amount of bends or elbows the vent takes
  • Improp­er Installation

Cut Down Your Ener­gy Bills!

Hav­ing a dirty dry­er vent can affect your dryer’s per­for­mance. As your Dry­er Vent builds up lint it will begin to choke the vent to the point where a 4in pipe might have 3in or less of air space. When this hap­pens, it takes the vent longer to exhaust the water vapors cre­at­ed dur­ing the clothes dry­ing. This caus­es the dry­er to run longer, equat­ing to high­er gas bills! That means Clean­ing your Dry­er Vent will not only reduce fire haz­ards but actu­al­ly save you mon­ey in the long term!

When you hire Safe­way Chim­ney Sweeps to clean your dry­er vent,we will remove all lint and debris with­in the dry­er vent, and inspect the entire sys­tem in accor­dance with NFPA Codes and Stan­dards. We aim not only to pro­vide you with an excel­lent ser­vice but also give you the infor­ma­tion you need to keep your fam­i­ly safe!

All Work is Performed by Licensed & Certified Technicians, fully insured and trained in the most up to date practices.

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